Featured Taps

A light American Wheat Ale inspired by the 12 Mile Prairie of Southern Oklahoma. This crisp medium bodied ale is sure to satisfy. Brewed with a 50/50 pilsen and red wheat malts along with just a bit of lightly kilned crystal malt adding traditional cascade hops to the mix, its a treat for all beer lovers!

This German Kolsch style ale may just trick you into believing it's a lager. Fruity notes on the nose followed by a light bodied maltiness and a nice clean finish makes it the kolsch-est to Cologne Germany brewed right in Caddo ,Ok.

A balanced IPA with heavy caramel notes along with pine and citrus aromas on the back end. This IPA stands out from others and we classify it not as an east or west coast IPA, but as a flyover IPA. If you aren't typically a fan of IPAs we suggest giving Real Chief a try.

Stout brewed with unmodified cold brew coffee from Opera House Coffee in Durant, Oklahoma. This medium bodied semi sweet coffee stout is sure to please the coffee drinkers out there. Dark roasted malts attribute flavors of toffee and dark chocolate.